NSA Ohio: The Speakers Journey
April 17 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm MST
TheSpeakers Journey: Wisdom from Expert Speakers with A panel of NSA Ohio Members
Gain invaluable knowledge and practical advice from seasonedspeakers who have mastered the art of captivating audiences and making alasting impact through their presentations. Whether you’re looking to kickstartyour speaking journey or elevate your existing systems, “The SpeakersJourney” promises to equip you with the tools and inspiration needed tosucceed in the world of public speaking. Get to know and learn from some of NSAOhio’s best.
This panel brings together a diverse group of NSA Ohioaccomplished members who have excelled in various facets of the speakingindustry. Ask your questions and learn from our experienced speakers.
This is a virtual event. Register here: https://www.nsaohio.com/offers/PKMwfaC6/checkout