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Education Session: Meridith Elliot-Powell
August 14, 2024 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm MST
Sales Redefined:Build a Speaking Business to THRIVE in uncertainty.
REGISTER HERE: https://bnsa41.wildapricot.org/event-5775458
Uncertainty changes everything –conferences, attendees, competition, and decision-makers. It’s time to update your approach to sales – from how you find the gig – to how you get your fee, to how you land the speaking engagement.
It’s challenging out there – a challenge to get above the white noise. A challenge to get meeting planners to notice you. A challenge to stand out from the competition. And a challenge to stay motivated.
Because sales have gone through a major disruption. If you’re still using traditional techniques, then you’re making sales so much harder than it has to be. To succeed, you need to evolve.
You need to transform how you attract clients – build your reputation – engage with the marketplace – and get results.
Join us for this high-energy, highly interactive, and high-powered session, designed just for speakers, where Hall of Fame Speaker, Award Winning Author, and Business Growth Strategist Meridith Elliott Powell shares the innovative techniques you need to build your speaking business and THRIVE in Uncertainty.